The Most Powerful Weapon in the World is the Human Soul on Fire*


Photo by Petritap

I read this in the comments section of a Facebook post that I do not recall, nor can I seem to remember the person with whom this might have come from. So, my apologies to the author who wrote this. It’s brilliance, truth, and passion ignited something in me the moment I read it. The kind of resonance that makes my eyes well up, heart race, with a huge swell of love & passion together creating my own fire rising from the depths of my soul up to my heart and then exploding outwardly. I read these powerful words and wanted to scream out “YES!” to anyone and everyone who would listen. Sadly, this particular aha moment came during a solitary moment sitting at my computer. No one to share this extraordinary thought with but myself, my angels, and God’s amazing Universe.


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